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Let our layman’s guide to ChurchTech help you make a difference
The effective deployment and use of technology to promote and facilitate the mission of the church is an area often pointed to as a critical enabler to making the church more relevant. The caveat is that “it should be done well” – technology is a notoriously fickle medium that presents anything less than adequate as a fraud. Doing technology “well” requires a commitment to a degree of funding, professionalism and skillsets that are often beyond the reach of the mainstream church.
What the church does have, however is a body of people dedicated to making a difference.
This community is dedicated to the cadre of volunteers who turn up on Sundays (and spend lots of other time) to run and maintain sound systems, projectors, computers, telephone systems, streaming, video-conferencing and the myriad other pieces that make up the ICT infrastructure so that the mission of the christian church is facilitated and supported. We hope that this platform will lead to opportunities for networking (people, not computers), provision of education opportunities, common repositories of resources and many other opportunities for making technology use better. So, join the diaconate, tell us what you have been doing, ask us about what you have been having problems with and come with us on the journey to the future.
Under Construction – again – (or is that still!)
So, please bear with us as we rebuild the site – we expect to see the content of the site grow significantly as the end of the year approaches. We hope you find the posts and other content valuable and that you enjoy your interactions with the other members as we all interact with this site – we are here to help and encourage each other. Please let us know how we can help you (and how you can help us!).
We have taken the decision that we will allow advertising on the site and where appropriate, provide affiliate links to useful products and services in order to generate an income stream to defray the expenses of operating the website and the more general expenses of the diaconate. However, we will endeavour to ensure that this does not mean our local suppliers are bypassed. We would welcome discussions with any organisations with a NZ, Australian or Oceania presence who would be interested in supporting us.
At present, our best contact method is email :- dct@dct.org.nz, or use our contact form.